“How bad was the pain on a scale of one to ten? I’d say 20… 24-hours a day. Just living was sometimes too much. I just wished for the pain to stop, to get back to my normal life. I never thought I was going to have that again. When Dr. Quartey explained what he was going to do to help relieve my leg and back pain, I thought, ‘No. That’s not possible.’ I got excited… then I got scared. What if it didn’t work?
I have a degenerative bone condition and had to have some vertebrae fused in my neck and back. After the fusion surgery, as can sometimes happen, I started experiencing the effects of nerve damage. We tried a number of things for about a year afterwards, but there was no relief. That’s when my doctor sent me to see Dr. Quartey for a neurostimulator implant.
The first night after that surgery was awful – I was terrified it hadn’t worked. I felt like I had gone through it all for nothing. But the next morning, when Dr. Quartey came in, he saw how upset I was and knew something wasn’t right. He adjusted the stimulator’s frequency and like that, it was perfect. I laughed and I cried – I was a mess! But I was so happy.
Before, I couldn’t lift my grandchildren up because it was way too dangerous, I could fall at any moment; all they knew was Grandma couldn’t play with them. I wasn’t able to go for a walk with my own children or help them like a mother should. My husband couldn’t even get close to me, even a little touch on my arm was excruciating. In my mind, Dr. Quartey not only gave me my life back, but he gave a husband his wife back. He gave children their mom and grandmother back. I love him for that.” – Sylvie
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