“I missed a lot of the signs thinking it was my Crohn’s. The news was devastating: Stage 4 Hodgkin's lymphoma, and my first chemotherapy treatment was right before Christmas that year. I could feel the loss as the news set in – not being able to wrap presents, or go to my children’s Christmas concerts, even braid my daughter’s hair… The idea of letting go of all that was as difficult as dealing with the cancer itself. It takes an overwhelming emotional toll on a family.
We live in Miramichi, but I had been in Moncton for seven weeks before my diagnosis and stayed afterwards for more tests to ensure I was well enough for chemotherapy. I hadn’t had time to prepare for Christmas. But the nurses arrived with wrapped gifts for my children and lots of sweets. The team arranged for our family to have a photo session so we could capture memories together after all this was over. As sad as the situation was, it reinforced my faith in the kindness of others – the people at The Moncton Hospital were truly outstanding. I was so grateful to have that kind of support.” – Kari
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