June and Jayden
“At two months old, Jayden started physiotherapy because he had Torticollis (a twist in his neck) and weakness in his core. Around that time he was due for his needles. He had a very bad reaction to them and ended up in the hospital. That’s when we met Dr. Salloum and discovered Jayden was severely allergic to eggs. Food and texture issues continued to come up, so we started working with Paula in the Speech and Hearing Department. If it wasn’t for her, he may not have started eating. We worked with her until Jayden was two years old.
Jayden also never crawled and had a hard time learning to walk, so we worked with the teams in Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy until he was three. Because of his food issues, he did swallow therapy. Fearing he wasn’t going to form his words properly, we started him in speech therapy afterwards.
In one year alone, Jayden had 133 appointments between tests, physio, occupational therapy, and speech therapy sessions. Every step of the way, everyone at The Moncton Hospital that we’ve worked with has been just awesome, they take such good care of Jayden when he’s here. He even asks to come visit Jenn, a Child Care Specialist in Pediatrics, whether he has an appointment at the hospital or not.” – June
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