Hayley and Ellie
“There was an infection in my amniotic fluid and I went into labour early. The twins were born not breathing. Complications are common with micropreemies so they were watched closely. One day, I walked into the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NNICU) and the big red light was on. I knew it was Ellie.
The nurses noticed loops on Ellie’s stomach. A lot of the air from her oxygen machine (called a CPAP) was escaping her lungs and going into her belly, causing it to distend. They thought she had something called, Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) which can be caused by a perforation in the intestines.
As new parents, you don’t realize how serious something is, you just go with the flow. We spent a week in Halifax but were so happy to get back to The Moncton Hospital. The nurses become like family when you’re there; they go out of their way for you.
In all, Oden and Ellie were in the NNICU for a little over 2 months. Ellie was born with a heart murmur, however, thankfully it closed and she hasn’t had any complications from it. Oden took longer on his breathing machines but once he came off of them, he hasn’t had to go back.
Now, they are both doing really well. To ensure that they are still meeting all their milestones, including crawling, walking, and growing how they should be, they are still followed by speech and hearing, and physiotherapists. They were discharged from Dr. Canning, as they were no longer considered high-risk.
Dr. Blayney, Dr. Chaibou, and all the nurses – they just made us feel safe. I never felt uneasy leaving the twins overnight and I knew I could call anytime and they would answer.” – Hayley
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