Dr. Jean-Pierre Martel
“This new 3D equipment is excellent news for the entire community.”
As a dedicated radiologist at The Moncton Hospital, Dr. Jean-Pierre Martel has devoted his life to looking at images and discerning any abnormalities. He fully understands how much the latest mammography technology will enhance his ability to detect breast cancers earlier and benefit the thousands of New Brunswick women who get screened each year. It will also help provide better diagnostic imaging for men.”
“Tomosynthesis is a new 3D technology that lets us see the breast tissue in a much more detailed way so we can see through areas that are dense that might obscure things on the older technology. It has several advantages. One of the big ones is that it can reduce up to 40 percent of the unnecessary recalls. Another, is that we can pick up more cancers earlier.”
Dr. Martel knows the stats.
“Approximately three-quarters of all breast cancers are diagnosed in women who have no risks, or no known risk factors at all, so it can affect anyone at any time really. Looking at the latest data, 22,000 women in Canada will be diagnosed with breast cancer and about 5,000 a year die. So that really affects everybody, whether it’s your mother, your wife, your daughter, or a friend.”
Upgrading from 2D to the new 3D technology will have a significant impact on Dr. Martel’s day-to-day work as well as the team of technologists he works with. They are all keen to see the arrival of the new machines and be able to continue to offer the very best to New Brunswickers.
“I think this is excellent news for the community. Having two new machines at the Katherine Wright Centre that use that state-of-the-art technology means we will have the ability to pick up more cancers earlier and consequently save more lives than we could right now.”
“If I were giving tomosynthesis as a gift, I would say it’s for my wife. I also think of my daughter who in a few years will also benefit from it. It’s really something that I would want available to any important women in my life.” –Dr. Jean-Pierre Martel, Radiologist
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