Carrie and Brett
“We caught it quickly – from onset of symptoms to diagnosis was about a month – but it was still pretty scary. We were devastated. Even though you’re pretty sure what it is, once they say the words, it still takes your breath away because it’s your child. You just want them to be healthy.
I knew there was something going on when Brett’s temperament suddenly changed. He would say, ‘Mommy, I’m just sad’ and he was crying a lot more. He was thirsty all the time. At the peak point, he was going to the washroom every half hour. He had blood work done and the day after he was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes.
Our routine now has become very structured, especially around when Brett eats. He understands how important it is – he knows to ask us before eating something. He takes insulin throughout the day and has a glucose monitor that checks his sugar levels every five minutes; it’s compatible with an app that both my husband and I have, which makes managing this easier. We were worried he wouldn’t be able to do things that other little boys could, like play sports, but he can, we just have to watch his sugar levels. The Pediatric Diabetes Clinic has helped us make Diabetes fit within Brett’s lifestyle, so things like Halloween, birthday parties, treats here and there, they don’t have to stop. We just plan them around mealtime so we can treat it with insulin.
From the minute Brett was diagnosed, and even now, we have never once felt like we were alone. The team at The Moncton Hospital has been there 24/7. The Pediatric Diabetes Team even went to Brett’s daycare to educate them. We always have another set of eyes watching over him. It’s incredible.” – Carrie
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