“Early one Saturday morning in March, I decided to go get the paper. It was still dark outside and I hit a patch of ice; both feet went out from underneath me. The sound of my head hitting the driveaway was like a kid had thrown a pumpkin out a third-storey window. I laid there for a while. Eventually I got on my hands and knees, crawled to the house and got indoors. My wife was still in bed, and I knew it was important to not let myself become unconscious, so I just sat in a chair with my eyes wide open. I hadn’t realized I had cut my head open and was bleeding.
I was mostly just stiff the next day but started to get a raging headache Sunday afternoon. By 4 a.m. Monday morning, we were on our way to the hospital. The doctors on Prince Edward Island watched over me with great care for 12 days. During that time I had good days and bad days, and I can’t tell you how many scans. Then I had a seizure and went unconscious. The doctors weren’t sure I was going to make it. It was clear that I really needed specialized help, so they sent me to the Neuro Intensive Care Unit at The Moncton Hospital, where Dr. Robert Adams performed emergency surgery the minute the ambulance arrived, removing 246ml of fluid from my cranium. He saved my life.
I’ve been referred to other specialists at The Moncton Hospital over the years: Dr. Paul Dubois, to remove a tumor in my lung, and Dr. Troy Sitland, to investigate a bleb on my kidney. It goes to show you the kind of expertise that exists at The Moncton Hospital. We’re very fortunate to have that in our region.” – Allen
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